Health Hazard 2: Ego Bruising

Your company has an ego— a sense of itself and its status in the competitive marketplace. And like a peach, it can bruise easily—especially if the marketing department creates public-facing video content that’s less like a peach and more like the pit.

So make sure that the video you intend to produce will end up looking and feeling like it comes from your company. And that it communicates a simple, compelling message that gives the audience a strong reason to respond. In short, ensure that it showcases the sweet, fresh-picked, peachy goodness of your corporate brand.

Cooling Down the Hot Seat

Let’s put ego aside and get real: When it comes to producing video content these days, marketers like you are on the hot seat. Each video has to be on task, on brand, on schedule and on budget. In response, we take your office chair and cool it off—by handling every aspect of video content creation. We then add value by offering single-video, video-package and video-subscription services, at a value-driven price others can’t match. Result: your company’s (and your) ego emerge unbruised.

Contact us today for a free, 15-minute Jumpstart Session™. Just for fun, we’ll also send you a full copy of all “10 Health Hazards to Avoid When Creating Video and Animation Content.

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