36 Billion Ways Health Insurance Advertising Can Go Wrong

This year, health coverage marketers will spend a whopping $36 billion-plus promoting their programs and policies to prospective members and providers.

So, quick, identify a health insurance commercial or video that jumps to the top of your mind. (Cue the “Final Jeopardy” music here). We’re waiting. Ya got nothin’, right? Well, you’re not alone: A recent survey revealed that, despite the enormous commitment of industry advertising dollars noted above, few Americans can describe a health insurance spot or a video they’ve recently seen.

3 Ways Health Insurance Advertising Can Go Right

Now, allow us to offer a three-point plan for avoiding this kind of health-insurance- advertising obscurity:

1. Be unique—avoiding the too-often tried and no-longer true creative approaches your competitors continue to dust off and trot out.

2. Be clear—unafraid to state what you do, how you do it better and why it’s important to your audience.

3. Be constant—staying in front of that target audience with a consistent, persuasive message.

And here’s a fourth way: Talk to us. MedMen, a service of Beard Boy Productions, specializes in creating advertising content for health insurers like PacifiCare, Secure Horizons, UniCare, Inter Valley Health Plan and over a dozen Blue Cross Blue Shields nationwide—adding value with our trademarked services along the way. Here’s a sample: https://youtu.be/9oVRoGflIMY

Are you getting a satisfying return on your health insurance advertising investment? Let us know in the comments below. Then contact us for a portfolio demonstration today.

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